Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week One - What is the Plan?

Here is Plan including the What, Who, Where, When and the How.

What is the Project?

Nonna’s Kitchen is a collaborative creative exchange project that will produce a television style pilot suitable for SBS and podcasting. A website will be created to showcase the recipes, images and the Nonna’s stories. A small print run of books will also be created as a high quality tangible product to showcase the Nonna’s recipes, stories and images in a more elaborate and culturally sensitive fashion.

Who and how many people will benefit from the project and in what ways?

JCU - showcase a variety of student skills and produce a tangible culturally significant product.

Local Community - record and preserve culturally significant aspect of migrant culture.

Local Business – deStudi Kitchen Appliance Studio + local festivals (Greek, Cultural, Salami) – create a tangible culturally significant product that they have contributed to.

Ourselves - Create possible new opportunities for employment and add to portfolio work.

What aspects of new media are embedded in the project?

The television pilot will be produced as podcasting segments/episodes.

A Website that will be a conduit for the display and sharing of recipes, traditions and stories that can be downloaded and uploaded 24 hours a day 7days a week, reaching beyond our local network to include a global audience.

Are there National or International dimensions to the project?

Yes, the issues that are being addressed in regards to the loss of culturally significant history and traditions that are relevant to all Mediterranean families both in their native country and also to where they have migrated to. It is important that these culturally significant traditions be recorded and preserved for future generations.

Does the project touch on issues of equity, community benefit, Indigenous inclusion or the environment?

This project will benefit the Italian and Greek communities of North Queensland as it culturally relevant to them.

How does the project reflect the unique features of tropical North Queensland?

Most of the images and footage will be captured on locations throughout tropical North Queensland and will showcase its unique look and feel.

What is unique about this project?

This project is intended to be means of preserving knowledge that is culturally significant but locked away in word of method or by example. It is also intended to present this information utilising new media and making it highly accessible to not only the local network but reach a global audience.

Project participants

Maria Priante BNMA Major Design | Minor Imaging

Role and Responsibilities

Team Leader with overall vision and direction of the project.
Research of cultural traditions, cuisine and history of recipes and ingredients used.
Opening and closing credits for television series/podcast
Editing assisting
Equipment hire

Sarah Walsh BNMA Major Design | Minor Imaging

Role and Responsibilities

Research of region and the Nonna’s traditional role in family and traditions.
Photography for book, website and television series/podcasts.
Layout and content gathering and editing for book.
Music for website and television series/podcasts.

Matthew Gianoulis BNMA Major Design | Minor Imaging

Role and Responsibilities

Research of Greek traditions, culture, recipes and role within the family/festivals.
Photography for book, website and television series/podcasts
Director/Editor television series/podcasts.
Branding and Logo

Project needs analysis

Skills identified as present within group

Design | Research | Scripting | Storyboarding | Video Camera Recording | Video Editing | Sound Recording | Sound Manipulation and production | Photography | HTML | CSS | Photoshop | Illustrator | Final Cut Pro | Dreamweaver

Skills identified as lacking within group and needing updating or development

IT skills database for web design need development | Sound skills need updating

How any lacking skills will be developed

Self directed learning via online tutorials and books from library

Core inputs required from Principal Supervisor

Mentoring, access to labs, equipment store and required software.

Other content or discipline expertise required to ensure a successful outcome, including indication of individual staff where relevant

Help from fellow classmates for extra hands when filming to hold microphone boom, move gear and set up and pull down sets and equipment.

What is it all going to cost?

Food per shoot $50 x 10 weeks = $500
2 x HD Camera $5000 each = $10000
Light Meter $60
3 Light kit + stands $6000
Soft Box $150
Reflectors $50
Tripod $340
Headphones $45
Lapel mic $1275
Boom mic $600
Tapes $7 x 4 = $28
Video Camera tripod $350
Camera Batteries $30
Battery Recharger $30
8 gig Memory Card $30
Pentax K200D $600
Pentax macro f2.8 100mm lens $600
Mac computer $2000
Final Cut Studio $990
CS4 $3000
Poster Printing $3 each x 20 = $60
Printed books from $60 each x 20 = $1200
DVD’s – printed and produced $10 each x 20 = $200

TOTAL COST $28 138.00

Our Direct Out of Pocket Costs (included in above)

Food per shoot $50 x 10 weeks = $500
Tapes $7 x 4 = $28
Poster Printing $3 each x 20 = $60
Printing books potentially blurb design $60 each x 20 = $1200
DVD’s – printed and produced $10 each x 20 = $200

Total $1988.00


  1. The first week of shooting was a growing experience. From the moment the equipment was carried through the doors it was evident how under prepared we were for the event. We started making a list of all the pieces of equipment that were essential for success. We forgot simple things like head phones for the HDV camera and light stands for the flash kit. Now we have an extensive list prepared so we don't forget anything again.

    This process of practice filming was great in capturing stock photographs to use to create the mood throughout the recipe book and the website. However, the same goal wasn't achieved for the filming, due to the forgotten resources. Part of the practise shoot was to develop an understanding of how to successfull capture footage, still or moving, to ensure that when we start filming our Nonna's we do so with professionalism and skill.

    After many trials and problems the first week of preparation was a great experience for us to learn to work together as a group and learn the most affective way to capture the footage required for the final presentation.

  2. Sarah pretty much stated it all, however being in charge of filming the cooking shows, i was slightly nervous not having been able to practice filming. I know how to use the HDV video cameras however filming a cooking show is much different to filming a movie for example. This is because you have to worry about filming the chef (Nonna) as well as filming close ups of the food and cooking process. The most logical way of doing this is to have two cameras. One focused on the chef at all times and the other doing close ups of the food and process. This way you can easily cut between each cameras footage to piece together a professional cooking show.

    This however brings me to my next worry about not having enough access to the video cameras and a lack of man power behind the scenes. There are only two cameras to share between all the creative exchange students needing cameras and an honors student requiring one as well. Already this has proved hard as the cameras have been booked out two days in a row on the usual days we go into Destudi to cook. So we will need to work something out soon so that hassles with the camera are overcome when the going gets tough.

    And finally, being only a small group of three dedicated students, we have a lot on our plates to get everything done. The one area we will find it tough is when it comes time to film the cooking shows. We will probably need to outsource a couple of people to help with preparation and running around. Things like holding the boom mic, assisting the chef etc.
